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1) What is the first step in problem-solving? A) Writing code B) Debugging C) Understanding the problem D) Optimizing the solution Answer: C 2) Which of these is not a step in the problem-solving process? A) Algorithm development B) Problem analysis C) Random guessing D) Testing and debugging Answer: C 3) What is an algorithm? A) A high-level programming language B) A step-by-step procedure to solve a problem C) A flowchart D) A data structure Answer: B 4) Which of these is the simplest data structure for representing a sequence of elements? A) Dictionary B) List C) Set D) Tuple Answer: B 5) What does a flowchart represent? A) Errors in a program B) A graphical representation of an algorithm C) The final solution to a problem D) A set of Python modules Answer: B 6) What is pseudocode? A) Code written in Python B) Fake code written for fun C) An informal high-level description of an algorithm D) A tool for testing code Answer: C 7) Which of the following tools is NOT commonly used in pr...

Quiz based on Digital Principles and Computer Organization

1) Base of hexadecimal number system?

Answer : 16

2) Universal gate in digital logic?

Answer : NAND

3) Memory type that is non-volatile?

Answer : ROM

4) Basic building block of digital circuits?

Answer : Gate

5) Device used for data storage in sequential circuits?

Answer : Flip-flop

6) Architecture with shared memory for instructions and data?

Answer : von Neumann

7) The smallest unit of data in computing?

Answer : Bit

8) Unit that performs arithmetic operations in a CPU?

Answer : ALU

9) Memory faster than main memory but smaller in size?

Answer : Cache

10) System cycle that includes fetch, decode, and execute?

Answer : Instruction

11) Type of circuit where output depends on present input only?

Answer : Combinational

12) The binary equivalent of decimal 10?

Answer : 1010

13) Memory used for high-speed temporary storage in a CPU?

Answer : Register

14) Method of representing negative numbers in binary?

Answer : Two's complement

15) Gate that inverts its input signal?

Answer : NOT

16) Mode of addressing where the operand itself is the data?

Answer : Immediate

17) Component responsible for coordinating all CPU activities?

Answer : Control

18) A storage element used for synchronization in sequential circuits?

Answer : Latch

19) Process of converting high-level language code to machine code?

Answer : Compilation

20) The default base of the decimal number system?

Answer : 10

21) Type of memory directly accessed by the CPU?

Answer : RAM

22) Hardware component used to connect multiple devices on a computer?

Answer : Bus

23) The smallest addressable unit of memory?

Answer : Byte

24) Cycle that includes reading data from memory and executing instructions?

Answer : Fetch

25) Technique used to increase the number of CPU cores working simultaneously?

Answer : Multithreading

26) Binary logic level representing 'off' or low voltage?

Answer : Zero

27) The part of the CPU responsible for executing instructions?

Answer : Processor

28) Basic operation of shifting bits left or right?

Answer : Shifting

29) Type of read-only memory that can be erased and reprogrammed?

Answer : EPROM

30) Mathematical function used in digital circuits to add numbers?

Answer : Adder

31) Type of flip-flop that toggles its state on each clock pulse?

Answer : T

32) Number system with base-8?

Answer : Octal

33) The default state of a bit representing 'on' or high voltage?

Answer : One

34) Memory type that loses data when the power is off?

Answer : Volatile

35) Gate that outputs true if at least one input is true?

Answer : OR

36) Component that decodes machine language instructions for execution?

Answer : Decoder

37) The temporary memory used for storing frequently accessed data?

Answer : Cache

38) The binary number system uses these two digits?

Answer : 0, 1

39) The process of checking and correcting errors in memory or data transmission?

Answer : Parity

40) Type of circuit that stores state information using feedback?

Answer : Sequential

41) Basic unit of a digital circuit used to perform logic operations?

Answer: Gate

42) Circuit component used to synchronize operations in digital systems?

Answer: Clock

43) A group of eight bits is called a?

Answer : Byte

44) Circuit used to compare two binary numbers for equality?

Answer : Comparator

45) Technique used for accessing memory locations sequentially?

Answer : Looping

46) Signal that resets a digital circuit to its initial state?

Answer : Reset

47) Register used to keep track of the next instruction address?

Answer : Program

48) Type of error that occurs due to incorrect data transmission?

Answer : Parity

49) The process of performing a logical AND, OR, or XOR operation?

Answer : Bitwise

50) A logic gate that outputs true only if all inputs are true?

Answer : AND

51) Memory type that is used to store the BIOS in a computer?

Answer : ROM

52) Component responsible for performing addition and subtraction in the CPU?

Answer : ALU

53) Number system commonly used in digital circuits besides binary and hexadecimal?

Answer : Octal

54) Device used to multiplex multiple data sources onto a single line?

Answer : Multiplexer

55) Type of storage device that uses flash memory?

Answer : SSD

56) Operation that shifts bits to the right, filling in zeros from the left?

Answer : Shift

57) The high-speed memory between the CPU and main memory?

Answer : Cache

58) Primary circuit used to control access to memory and I/O devices?

Answer : Bus

59) Basic unit of data transmission in serial communication?

Answer : Bit

60) Component that temporarily stores data being transferred to/from the CPU?

Answer : Buffer

61) Logical operation where output is true if inputs are different?

Answer : XOR

62) Type of memory that provides the fastest data access?

Answer : Register

63) Method used to represent signed numbers in binary?

Answer : Two's complement

64) The type of circuit that retains its output after the input changes?

Answer : Latch

65) Device used to convert digital signals to analog signals?

Answer : DAC

66) Hardware used to divide the clock frequency in digital circuits?

Answer : Divider

67) Term used to describe the smallest unit of a digital image?

Answer : Pixel

68) Gate that outputs true if none of its inputs are true?

Answer : NOR

69) Memory technique that speeds up CPU performance using prediction?

Answer : Caching

70) Process of loading instructions and data into memory for execution?

Answer : Loading

71) Type of circuit used for adding binary numbers?

Answer : Adder

72) Hardware used for error detection and correction in memory?

Answer : ECC

73) The binary representation for the decimal number 15?

Answer: 1111

74) Component used for counting pulses in digital systems?

Answer : Counter

75) Term for storing multiple data elements in a linear arrangement?

Answer : Array

76) Device used to demultiplex a single input into multiple outputs?

Answer : Demux

77) A memory location that temporarily holds a value for the CPU?

Answer : Register

78) Circuit used to detect a specific combination of binary inputs?

Answer : Decoder

79) Logical circuit used for shifting data in registers?

Answer : Shifter

80) Memory location used to hold the address of the next instruction?

Answer : PC

81) The clock signal in digital circuits is typically a square ____?

Answer : Wave

82) Component used to perform subtraction operations in the ALU?

Answer : Subtractor

83) Memory type used to store frequently accessed data close to the CPU?

Answer : Cache

84) Operation that combines multiple binary numbers using logical OR?

Answer : Bitwise

85) The base of the binary number system?

Answer : 2

86) Circuit that performs addition with carry in binary numbers?

Answer : Full-adder

87) Primary storage device that stores data magnetically?

Answer : HDD

88) Hardware used to implement parallel to serial data conversion?

Answer : Serializer

89) The smallest unit of information in computing?

Answer : Bit

90) Technique used to compress the size of data for transmission?

Answer : Encoding

91) Circuit that generates an output when inputs are all zero?

Answer : NAND

92) Component that generates a sequence of addresses for memory access?

Answer : Sequencer

93) Type of storage that retains data after the power is off?

Answer : Non-volatile

94) Gate used to invert a binary input signal?

Answer : NOT

95) The number of transistors in a logic gate typically determines its?

Answer : Speed

96) Component that temporarily stores an instruction during execution?

Answer : Register

97) Logical operation that outputs true only if all inputs are false?

Answer : NOR

98) What is the primary purpose of a flip-flop in digital circuits?

Answer : Data storage

99) Which type of memory is non-volatile?
Answer : ROM (Read Only Memory)

100) Which addressing mode uses the operand to directly specify the address of the data?

Answer : Direct Addressing Mode

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